Are you experiencing pain, increased sensitivity to temperature and discolouration of your tooth, as well as a metallic taste, gum tenderness and swelling? If so, these may be symptoms indicating that you need a root canal.
A root canal removes infected pulp within the innermost part of the tooth to prevent the infection from spreading, which may result in unwanted tooth loss. Damage to the pulp is usually caused by decay, a deep filling or trauma to the tooth.
Depending on what kind of tooth is being treated, root canal treatment is usually spread over several appointments. First, we will take an x-ray to determine the extent of the damage before administering local anaesthetic. We’ll then isolate the tooth by placing a dental dam over it.
Some patients may worry that a root canal is painful. However, with today’s advanced surgical techniques and anaesthetic options, this is no longer the case. Living with an infected tooth is sure to be more painful than root canal treatment, with many patients claiming them to be just as comfortable as having a regular filling.
The next step will be to make an opening through either the back or front of your tooth before removing the diseased pulp and flushing the canals with anti-bacterial solution.
The canals are then expertly shaped with tiny, flexible instruments and washed again to remove any debris. We’ll then fill the tooth to seal it, which will prevent any bacteria from entering. The tooth is finally topped off with a permanent filling or crown which will restore the tooth’s shape and functionality. In some cases, a metal or plastic rod is inserted into the canal for added structural support.
Following your treatment, we will then take a second x-ray to see if bone loss is occurring or if it is regenerating. In some cases, an apicectomy is required, which removes the infection and the tip of the root, before a filling is fitted.
With a proper oral hygiene routine and care, your treated tooth should remain trouble-free. Even though the pulp has been removed, the tooth will stay intact as the canals have been sealed and re-infection prevented. We advise that you visit Southfield for regular check-ups and cleaning to ensure it remains in excellent condition.